Our Mission / Outreach Work Includes:
Agawam/ West Springfield Parish Cupboard
Providing food and other assistance to our neighbors in need.
We have a monthly collection of food and other requested items.
For information on Parish Cupboard: theparishcupboard.org
FHCC hosted the 2024 Agawam/West Springfield CROP Walk to raise funds for hunger relief. CROP Walks are a project of Church World Services (cwsglobal.org), a non-denominational organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster.
Church Without Walls
An outdoor worship is held most Sundays at Parish Cupboard, officiated by a rotating schedule of local churches. The hosting church also provides bagged lunches afterwards for our community members in need.
Church World Services (CWS)
This year our church served as a collection depot for CWS disaster relief kits. For more information on CWS kits can be found here: cwskits.org
Soldier On
Soldier On is non-profit organization working to end veteran homelessness. We regularly schedule social & outreach events with the residents of the Agawam Soldier On facility.