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Late 1800's :

Old Carriage Barn

Agawam Golf Course


              A Brief Church History


The founding of Feeding Hills Congregational Church dates back to the pre-revolutionary era, with the the establishment of Feeding Hills as the 6th  parish of Springfield.


The church called its first settled pastor, the Rev. Sylvanus Griswold, on November 10, 1762. Mr. Griswold continued as pastor through the Revolutionary War years and through numerous ups and downs, both religious and financial, until his death in 1819.


The current church sanctuary dates to 1835, with numerous modifications and additions to the facilities over the years.  When North Westfield Street was still a dirt road, horse-drawn sleighs provided transportation during the winter, and the sanctuary was heated by a coal-burning pot-belly stove. The community has changed greatly over the last two centuries, and the congregation along with it.


Today the congregation is characterized by a variety of ministries and initiatives, from Bible study and worship to a developing outreach to Soldier On to an ongoing partnership with West Springfield’s Parish Cupboard. The times do change. What remains the same is our presence as a witness to Christ’s love in Feeding Hills and beyond.

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